Peter Neill - Queen's University

  • Position Athlète
  • Birthdate 2005
  • Year of Study 1
  • Eligibility 1

Performances 2024/25

Épreuve Perf. Compétition Date
1 Mile (non ranking)4:21.462025 Sharon Anderson Memorial4 jan
1500 Metre3:58.99*2025 Sharon Anderson Memorial4 jan
3000 Metre8:28.52UOttawa - Winter Classic17 jan
1500 Metre4:01.54UOttawa - Winter Classic17 jan
1000 Metre2:36.81Mcgill team challenge24 jan
1500 Metre3:59.64Mcgill team challenge24 jan
3000 Metre8:35.872025 Boston College Showdown at The Heights7 fév

Performances 2023/24

Épreuve Perf. Compétition Date
1500 Metre4:14.06uOttawa Winter Classic19 jan
3000 Metre9:01.54uOttawa Winter Classic19 jan
1500 Metre4:14.28McGill Team Challenge 202426 jan
3000 Metre9:00.97McGill Team Challenge 202426 jan