Tarif et dates limites
Frais d’inscription
Tarif | 50,00$ par inscrit(e) |
Frais d’inscription
Tarif | 80,00$ par inscrit(e) |
Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Les autres informations
This is an entry-level event that starts at 9:00 AM and usually ends around 2 PM.
This year we are including a Master's division (40+ years) for Kata only for Novice/Intermediate levels. (If Masters competitors volunteer to help at the event, 50% of your entry fee will be refunded to you). Otherwise, it is a fun filled 3 hrs of activity for kids that are 5 - 13 years of age at the Novice (White to Orange) to Intermediate level (Green/Blue). Participants spend 20-30 minutes at each ring challenging themselves in physical activities as well as Kata and Kumite matches against their peers. Get the best time in the obstacle course. Get the prize for best pushup technique, most pushups, longest long jump, most burpees in 30 seconds and more....Team Kata is free: Get a team of any 3-4 people between 7-13 years of age, and compete for best team kata! Remember, Master's participants only participate in a kata competition - the rest is for the kids.
To register, check the list below:
Skill Level / Style Novice Intermediate
Chito/Shito 6 - 5 4 - 3
Gima-Ha 10 - 7 6 - 4
Wado 8 - 7 6 - 4
Goju 10 - 7 6 - 4
Uechi-Ryu 10 - 7 6 - 4
Shotokan/Shukokai 9 - 7 6 - 4
Kyokushin 10 - 7 6 - 4