Tarif et dates limites
Date limite régulière :
4 octobre 2025 23h59 (Heure du Pacifique)Inscriptions ouvertes
Frais d’inscription
Tarif | 160,00$ par participation |
Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Les autres informations
Welcome to Kajaks Track & Field Club Track Rascals!
February Winter Rascals run indoors at Richmond Olympic Oval:
February 19, 24, 26.
Monday & Wednesday
@ Richmond Olympic Oval, Richmond BC
All Rascals athletes are required to register themselves for a BC Athletics membership as part of signing up for the program.
Please click here and register as a Track Rascal and send confirmation to info@kajaks.ca: https://athleticsreg.ca/#!/memberships/bc-athletics-2025-membership
We look forward to getting your Track Rascal ON-TRACK !